Kammlah House Museum

Fredericksburg, Texas
National Register of Historic Places, Recorded Texas Historic Landmark

The Kammlah House is one the earliest surviving residences in the city of Fredericksburg. Constructed in 1848, the Kammlah family owned it through four generations before stewardship was transferred in 1955 to the Gillespie County Historical Society. Today it is part of their Pioneer Museum complex, a living history museum open to the public. It offers a glimpse of a simpler time with a more cohesive family life. The home’s architecture is an exceptional example of the stone and half-timber fachwerk construction used by German immigrants.

Key Issues

• Prepare an Historic Structure Report and measured drawings to understand the history of the house and its additions
• Investigate the physical evidence to locate information about original conditions, discern changes made in previous restorations, and define causes of deterioration
• Develop a restoration/preservation philosophy
• Make recommendations for physical stabilization, additional investigation and testing, necessary maintenance, and an opinion of probable restoration costs

Pioneer Museum Fredericksburg →

  • Kammlah House Museum exterior
  • Kammlah House Museum interior
  • Kammlah House Museum side
  • Kammlah House Museum
  • KAM_West-Elevation_092507_1
  • KAM_Collage_3