Wooldridge Park Bandstand
Austin, Texas
Austin Landmark, State Archeological Landmark, National Register of Historic Places
Key Issues
• Historic research
• Lighting design and integration
• Wood restoration and repair
Wooldridge Park is one of the four parks laid out by Edwin Waller in the original town plan laid out in 1839, and retains a high degree of historic integrity. Situated between the Travis County Courthouse and the Austin History Center on Guadalupe, this park is in the heart of downtown Austin. Large oak and pecan trees form a perimeter around a natural amphitheater that focuses on the historic bandstand, constructed in 1910. The Friends of Wooldridge Square, Austin Parks Foundation, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department, and the Downtown Austin Alliance worked together to restore the park grounds and bandstand; we were happy to provide some guidance.

The Austin Symphony Big Band Jazz Ensemble plays at the rededication ceremony for Wooldridge Park.